Planalytics has extensive experience in strategic land use, spatial, and urban planning in New Zealand and overseas. Our approach is evidence-based and pragmatic, achieving better outcomes for current and future communities. Members of the New Zealand Planning Institute, we are highly experienced in regional spatial planning, district and city policy development, preparing and processing resource consents. We particularly enjoy engaging with communities to increase participation in, and understanding of, New Zealand’s evolving planning system.
Buro Happold + Dept. of Municipalities and Transport, United Arab Emirates
Update to the Abu Dhabi Regional Spatial Plan (2024)
Ōpōtiki District Council
Pipeline Projects Mapping (2023)
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
Development Context & Opportunities Mapping (2022-23)
Coastguard Ōpōtiki
Site Options Analysis (2022)
Ōpōtiki District Council
Hukutaia Structure Plan (2021)
Ōpōtiki District Council
Town Centre Structure Plan Summary (2020)
Ministry for the Environment
RMA Reform, National Direction (2021-24)
Upper Hutt City Council
Housing Capacity Assessment (2021)
Beef + Lamb
Hawkes Bay Regional Council Plan Change 9 (2021)
Department of Conservation
Greater Wellington Regional Council Mediation & Direct Negotiations, Natural Resources Plan (2020)
Greytown Tree Advisory Group
South Wairarapa District Council Plan Change 10 Submission (2020)
Hughes & Baker Surveyors Ltd
Preparation of Land Use and Subdivision Resource Consent Applications (2022-24)
Carterton District Council
Resource Consent Processing (2021-22)
Ōpōtiki District Council
Resource Consent Processing (2020-22)
South Wairarapa District Council
Resource Consent Processing (2019)
Upper Hutt City Council
Plan Change 50 Public Engagement Survey Design (2021)
Local Government NZ
RMA Training for Elected Members, Planning for Growth Digital Module, Planning for Decline Digital Module (2020)
Ōpōtiki District Council
Engagement Materials for Ōpōtiki’s Comprehensive Stormwater Consent (2020)
Building Research Association of NZ (BRANZ)
Construction & Demolition Waste Research (2020)
Building Research Association of NZ (BRANZ)
Planning Barriers for Prefabricated Housing (2019)
Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.