Doing our bit.
At Planalytics we’re all about less talk and more action. Here we outline how we interact with our local Wairarapa community to try, in our own small way, to influence change and achieve better community outcomes for all. The projects listed on this page were all undertaken on a pro bono basis, free of charge. Giving back is an important part of our kaupapa and we challenge other businesses to do the same.
Like Aotearoa-based card game company, Mātauranga Games, Planalytics believe in the importance of promoting Te Reo Māori. Discovering their “Whitu” card game earlier this year, Planalytics decided to welcome the new kaiako of Māori Performing Arts at Kuranui College, Warren Maxwell, with a gift of two packs for his classroom.
Having majored in languages, Planalytics’ Tiff North thinks learning through play is a great way to help acquire a language and hopes the ākonga (students) at Kuranui think the same. Tiff is currently enjoying a Kawhe & Kōrero class in Featherston to progress her own learning - karawhiua Tiff!
A much loved community festival is coming back to the Featherston ‘Squircle’ (town square) for summer 22/23. An event championed by two local women who got the original ball rolling in 2016, First Fridays bring community together with music, art and fun in a communal space. In the United States, these events can attract thousands in cities such as Philadelphia or Knoxville. Although the scale of Featherston First Fridays is much smaller, the feeling of community togetherness is no less strong.
Planalytics’ Tiff North, a Featherston resident, has joined a new team of organisers responsible for First Fridays. Amongst other duties, Tiff developed a vibrant poster to advertise the event in print and online. Be sure to get along to the Squircle this summer!
Planalytics created this poster and funded printing of it. Check out Featherston First Fridays on Facebook to find out more.
Carterton Swimming Club
A key community asset, the Carterton indoor pool building is in need of replacement. Planalytics is assisting the Carterton Swimming Club to formalise a strategy to fundraise for, and progress, the indoor pool upgrade project. To-date this has included connecting stakeholders, facilitating meetings, preparing infographics and other visual aids, and assisting in the initial project set-up and management.
We would like to congratulate the Swimming Club for its recent fundraising win at Ka Pai SOUP round five and look forward to assisting further with the indoor pool upgrade project as needed. It is heartening to see the Carterton community rallying around the Swimming Club to provide support for this ambitious undertaking.
Russell Geange, Barry Wingate, and Kellee McCurdy from the Carterton Swimming Club; Lucy McKenzie and Cimon Grayson from Ka Pai Carterton; and Tiff North from Planalytics NZ Ltd, June 2021.
The pantry challenge
We recently teamed up with local chef and caterer, Ant North, to launch the ‘Pantry Challenge'. This involved online cooking demonstrations using ingredients commonly included in food parcels (such as those provided by Food Banks) to make quick and healthy meals. The Pantry Challenge also includes the design and production of recipe cards to be included in donated food parcels. Planalytics assisted Ant to produce and disseminate the online cooking videos, as well as designing and applying for funding to print the recipe cards. Read all about it in our Journal here.
JOY for generations
Based in Carterton but working across Wairarapa, Joy for Generations was a fabulous organisation intent on leading initiatives that create joy by connecting generations in our community. This included organising intergenerational playgroups and workshops, as well as undertaking projects to alleviate loneliness in our local ageing population. Planalytics supported Joy for Generations by developing an infographic on loneliness in Wairarapa, on a pro bono basis.
wairarapa community networks
Wairarapa Community Networks (WCN) facilitates networking and information dissemination amongst organisations working within, and for, our Wairarapa communities. WCN hold regular meetings in Carterton, Masterton, and South Wairarapa; bringing together a range of groups from community sports, to social service providers, charities, and local and central government agencies. The WCN networking forums build capability among the wider professional community to support better outcomes in Wairarapa. Planalytics attend as many WCN meetings as we can. We also assist with data visualisation services as and when needed on a pro bono basis.
Massey university lectures
Planalytics regularly deliver guest lectures and webinars for the Massey University, School of People, Environment and Planning. We respect education at all levels and are always thrilled to engage with planning students and practitioners on a variety of topics. Over the strange course of 2020, Lucy has delivered webinars on section 32 evaluations (RMA), and on wellbeing and the RMA. Over the past few years, Toni has delivered in-person lectures on planning barriers for prefabricated housing, and planning in the Middle East.
Dress for success
Seriously, what’s not to love about Dress for Success? This initiative empowers women (and recently, men) to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools. In July 2020 we attended the opening celebration for the new Dress for Success premises in Masterton and donated a box of bubbly goodness to mark the occasion. Planalytics was also a drop-off point for Dress for Success in the Wellington region. Unfortunately, the Dress for Success Wairarapa hub has now closed due to the impact of COVID-19. We encourage people to drop their clothing donations to the Dress for Success Wellington or Lower Hutt hubs.
ucol wairarapa
In June 2020 we sponsored a UCOL Wairarapa Carpentry student to attend PrefabNZ’s COLAB20 conference. Originally planned to be held in Wellington, COLAB20 was delivered on a virtual conferencing platform due to COVID-19. We understand the need for students to have access to the latest industry knowledge and practitioners, and very much enjoyed being part of this experience.
collier reserve, greytown
We are lucky to work in a beautiful small town, full of trees. Around the corner from our office is Collier Reserve, a gorgeous spot that was somewhat under-utilised. As regular visitors to Collier Reserve we thought it could benefit from a bbq table for use by locals and visitors alike. Planalytics therefore approached South Wairarapa District Council about donating a bbq table. Council were quick to take us up on our offer and as a result, there is now a table installed. We are proud to have made this contribution to our community and urge other businesses to invest in our towns. Read more in our Journal here.
Greytown tree advisory group
The Greytown Tree Advisory Group (TAG) aims to increase public awareness of the important contribution of trees to Greytown’s heritage. In 2019, TAG made a submission on South Wairarapa District Council’s Plan Change to update the Register of Notable Trees. Planalytics provided planning support on a no-charge basis, including preparing expert planning evidence and attending the planning hearing. The planning process can be daunting for community groups so we are happy to help out where we can. You can read more about plan changes in our journal article here. We also assisted(!) TAG to plant trees along the Greytown Rail Trail in August 2020.