Planalytics turns 2 🎂

Today Planalytics turns 2! What a year it has been and what better time to reflect and cast our minds to the future. Happy birthday to the Planalytics team and thank you to the amazing clients and communities that we have worked with over the last year.

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New Zealand's wellbeing framework

In this article we explore key aspects of New Zealand’s wellbeing framework and reflect on our experiences working within it. With the recent societal turbulence created by COVID-19, there has never been a better time to put wellbeing at the centre of our thinking.

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Toni Kennerley Comments
Guest blog: Kia kaha New Zealand, by Isla Partridge, Year 6

This week, we invited Isla Partridge, one of the kids in the Planalytics’ whānau, to share her ‘Letter to New Zealand’. She wrote it as part of her learning last week, from her new bedroom-based classroom. It reflects on the challenges of a life in lockdown for a 10 year old and looks towards a post-COVID-19 future with hope and compassion.

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At the launch of … Engaged Communities

On Monday this week, BERL and the Helen Clark Foundation (HCF) launched their report, Engaged Communities: How Community-Led Development can Increase Civic Participation, in Wellington. Here is Lucy’s summary of some of the key points from the research and reflections on what she heard.

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