Thank you!
It wasn’t all lounging around with labradors, you know!
Today is my last day at Planalytics. I want to express my thanks and gratitude to Toni Kennerley and the Planalytics whānau for over three years of fabulous friendship, work adventures, and laughter (not to mention champagne!) But, before I do that, I want to share with you how it all began for me.
About three and a half years ago I was scrolling through LinkedIn and came across an article about development in Greytown. It was written by a woman who clearly knew her infill from her greenfield. She was writing about my town. I liked what I read. I was officially intrigued. I’m a bit of a nosey parker when it comes to people, so I wrote a quick message to the author, Toni Kennerley. We had coffee. There may have been cake. And the rest, as they say, is history!
And what a history! From my first project, leading on the Waste Not, Want Not research report into food insecurity, I have had the pleasure of working on a wonderful array of projects. Indulge me while I name just a few! Research into social and affordable housing for LGNZ; helping Masterton District Council develop a Community Development Prioritisation Framework; developing Upper Hutt’s Housing Capacity refresh under the NPSUD; working alongside the wonderful people at the Department of Conservation through a year-long mediation programme on the Greater Wellington Regional Plan; workshopping with Carterton District Council to help formulate their vision for housing; assisting Gerard McCormack and his tremendous team at Ōpōtiki District Council with masterplanning, strategic planning, and planning planning!
With every client and every project, I have met incredible people pursuing change with passion, integrity, drive, and grit.
And now my thanks to the Planalytics whānau:
To Toni – for your exquisite business nous, razor-sharp strategic brain, and generosity and compassion as a leader. With your support and encouragement, my confidence has grown and grown!
To Tiff – for showing me information’s inherent beauty! Your ability to transform data into glorious infographics, compelling reports, and entertaining and engaging presentations is second to none!
To Becca – for your wonderful can-do approach to life and work, your thoughtfulness as an emerging planner, and your eagerness to challenge the BAU. The future is in good hands!
Thank you. I look forward to seeing more of Planalytics’ excellent work!